Monday, December 29, 2008
David Ben-Ariel sets the record straight
For the record: Some might misunderstand that just because I used the term "WE" in one of the FOX 25 segments on the Philadelphia Church of God (and I often employ it in articles about the Church of God), that somehow I am saying I'm a part of the PCG or whatever organization I'm writing or talking about at the time.
However, when I use the "Royal We," it is in reference to the collective Sabbath-keeping Church of God that agrees on the biblical basics, like the gospel of the Kingdom of God (the Kingdom of God-Beings to rule Earth from Jerusalem!), the seventh day Sabbath, the holy festivals and dietary laws, as well as gladly recognizing British-Israelites as Joseph.
Others might question how I can feel led by Christ against an organization they believe He also heads. I am led by Christ to expose error and encourage repentance: both in the Church and Nation. Didn't Christ head the Worldwide Church of God? Didn't He direct it? Does that mean the leaders must always follow His lead? Or in all things? If Christ truly led the PCG (and I believe He leads but Flurry doesn't always follow), they would agree what I say is biblical and stop wasting money in Edmond, Oklahoma. Tithes are not meant for a performing Arts Center! At least Mr. Armstrong had a special building fund that I used to gladly contribute to so we could pay off Ambassador Auditorium.
Didn't Yeshua say, "we Jews" when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well? Did that mean He agreed with everything the Jews believed or the Pharisees taught? Didn't Yeshua rebuke their errors, even as He rebukes the errors of the Church of God in different eras? How does He do that but through men? Didn't He head those churches He inspired constructive criticism of?
Did John the Baptist or Jesus, or Peter, James and John, as well as Paul, oppose the religious authorities' position or their idolatrous traditions and hypocrisy, decrying their proud and stubborn refusal to repent, while still considering themselves strictly Jewish? They continued to identify with the Jewish people and religion: Paul continued to refer to himself as a Pharisee spiritually (Acts 23:6), and Peter made racial reference to the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers..." and called the Jews "brothers" and stressed how salvation was to begin with Jews first (Acts 3:12, 17, 26).
I do offer constructive criticism of the PCG, and others, and I believe God has inspired Beyond Babylon. The PCG never said it contradicts Scripture but wouldn't give it a proper hearing due to politics at play. Beyond Babylon's biblical truths are inspired and inspiring, although it's not a "thus saith the Lord" book, as there is no book on Earth other than the Bible that can honestly claim that. Unlike Gerald Flurry, I've never claimed an angel gave it to me, as he strangely claimed about Malachi's Message.
By the grace of God, I know who I am and what I am doing, and it is in accordance with the Word and Will of God. Whether within individual lives or the lives of leaders of organizations, just because God directs doesn't mean folks will always follow in every aspect. I believe Flurry follows in some ways and fails to in other ways. That's why God raises up individuals throughout history to take His Work to task - whether it's the priesthood, the religious authorities or the Church of God leadership today. Nothing new under the sun.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Beyond Babylon warns of nuclear holocaust
Toledo City Paper, December 7, 2005 by Aaron Shapiro
"Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall"
Author: David Ben-Ariel
David Ben-Ariel was born in Bowling Green and currently lives in Toledo. His focus is not local however, as he tends to divert his energies to writing about World War III and the coming nuclear holocaust. Ben-Ariel subscribes to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong the founder of the Worldwide Church of God and as a result Ben Ariel uses his writings to warn of our impending doom.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Beyond Babylon: Hard Labor of Love
Re: "Doggerel #89: "I'm Going to Show You... In My Book..."
Beyond Babylon decries the idolatry and immorality, physically and spiritually, of the British-Israelites and Jews - and yes, British-Israelites includes Aussies and Kiwis too! - and compares it to a form of spiritual AIDS, our countries' weakened immune system, our defenses down, inviting attack. (As an aside, I have AIDS now)./
Before Publish America published Beyond Babylon, my friend Carl Brown (fellow Bible believer) and I did everything ourselves from my typing and writing, copying the pages at Kinkos, cutting them, ordering nice covers and then putting it all together, time consuming and expensive, a hard labor of love, which, including postage, brought it to around $6-$7 per book to mail (if I remember correctly and more when mailed overseas), which we did freely to many, as funds were available and donations offered (thank you, to those who blessed us with financial and prayerful assistance), making the most of what we had, doing our best to get the Word out, trusting if we're faithful with the little we had, in God's good time He would increasingly bless us with more and helpers, co-workers.
Before that I simply printed out and mailed out the pages of Beyond Babylon, then someone suggested making it available online when I didn't have a clue about the Internet, but found out quickly and spent around $150 a month using AOL, Prodigy, CompuServe and others, always moving forward, expanding my horizons, reaching out in every way possible, slowly but surely, but never giving up.
Publish America was the first to say yes to BB. Of course I would prefer some big name publisher, with great royalties and advance payment, great publicity and such, but God usually doesn't work that way, does He? After all His Son was born in a barn, in a manger, not the Marriott or Hilton or Sheraton, and Herbert W. Armstrong taught that what God does always starts small and seemingly insignificant.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Nuclear Germany
I've always done what I could over the years, with what I've got, to help warn our beloved peoples about the German threat to world peace. Whether by ads or articles or letters to the Editor of newspapers and magazines, since every little bit helps with God's blessing upon it, I do my best to warn the world.
While doing what I can to help warn the world, I've always encouraged the Sabbath-keeping Church of God to do more, to go public and step away from behind the podium (preaching to the choir), to get the Word out and let our God-given message become a household word, known and debated and discussed everywhere. Our God-given message must reach those high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion or we will have failed our God-given mission.
The Greater Toledo, Ohio area has received the lion's share of my efforts, since that's where I'm from, although I've also reached out to Judea, Jerusalem, New York and elsewhere.
This ad (shown below) - Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America? - appeared several times in The Press newspaper, and a similar ad appeared twice in the AutoTrader (talk about taking it to the streets, reaching the general public!). I've also had a full-page ad in The Toledo City Paper warning about EUROPE'S NEW CRUSADE: "PEACE" FOR THE MIDDLE EAST.
I trust free publicity will offer greater opportunities, and God knows, by His grace, I'll walk through every open door to expand His Work. Your prayers are appreciated.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ramat Yohanan
The following are pictures of my fellow kibbutz volunteers from Scotland, England, Sweden, France, Germany, the United States, Australia, the Netherlands, etc. at Ramat Yohanan, and on a trip to the Golan Heights, Akko, Rosh Hanikra; a few pictures of Worldwide Church of God member Simcha Gombo and her daughter, Michal, who lived nearby in Kiryat Ata, as well as pictures of Ilan Itzhayek and family (his mother baked a birthday cake for my 33rd birthday) from Kiryat Ata; pictures of Ilan and I in Jerusalem for Hanukkah (where I met Yitzhak Rabin), where, as *David Hoover, I was able to write the preliminary introduction to America Warned! - on the Temple Mount - that has since been published as Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, as well as a picture of Ambassador College graduate Sylvia Owens, during a visit to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, and Jerusalem's Liberty Bell Park that includes The Children's Playground sponsored by the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation.
Additional reading:
Israel Work History (Worldwide Church of God)
Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
*My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel in 1989, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.
To check out the pictures, click here
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Gerald Flurry
If only Gerald Flurry would apply Malachi's Message to himself, he wouldn't have the demonic audacity to anoint himself as "THAT PROPHET" (a title reserved for Jesus Christ), he would humbly hear the Sabbath-keeping Church of God members' legitimate questions and concerns about some of his teachings and dictatorial ministers (like Dennis Leap) rather than angrily "execute" them with excommunication.
Is Gerald Flurry a false prophet? Folks should beware that Gerald Flurry calls himself a prophet. He's taken to himself numerous spiritual titles like a modern day Nimrod, magnifying himself. His son Stephen Flurry sheepishly said on FOX 25 news the PCG considers Mr. Flurry speaks for God and is a prophet. I believe he does, based upon the biblical definitions of a prophet, to the extent it's solidly based upon the Bible and not his private interpretations, and that we should listen to him the same way Jesus Christ said to view the Pharisees - do as they say, but not as they do!
Gerald Flurry (through PCG tithes and offerings) bought and paid for Herbert W. Armstrong's books and booklets from the apostate Worldwide Church of God (rather than go to jail, if necessary, to continue using them without paying the devil for them at extortionate price), so at least he offers the plain truth of the Bible - on those subjects - to anybody who requests them, for free. But is that so he can fleece their soul? Is that to disarm them, to mislead them to imagine everything is kosher in his PCG kingdom, and then devour them? Is that his covering when inwardly he's a ravenous beast who has abused Church of God members' minds and attacks their critical thinking abilities as being "disloyal" to the "government of God?"
Is Gerald Flurry a wolf in sheep's clothing? It certainly appears that way, grieved to say, so I hope and pray Gerald Flurry repents of his arrogance, of his presumptuous religious titles, and remembers the truth, the excellent principles, he has written in Malachi's Message (some say it was plagiarized and it appears to have been), and bless God's people and do a great work that has substance and not just shell - vainly seeking to impress this world, becoming an enemy of God in the process - and boldly warn the world (like the watchmen are called to do) and preach the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of God that will save mankind from itself, rescue us from the brink of extinction, so help him God!
Otherwise, it appears this world's only hope to hear the plain truth of the Bible and history again (not that they will receive it), in a powerful way, from pure servants of God free of personal ambition and ulterior motivation, will be the brilliant testimony of the Two Witnesses soon to take an international stand in Jerusalem.
For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Temple Mount Faithful is not a terrorist organization!
[T]o support the slanderous and unsubstantiated accusations, Fox 25 primarily relied on testimony from... a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity.
Well, we tried to warn them. Last night I found out that a blogger by the name of David Ben-Ariel
a little-known blogger
Our church briefly communicated with David Ben-Ariel in the early 1990s. But we quickly cut off all contact after learning about his bizarre and even radical views. In 1996, while in Israel as an active member of the Temple Mount Faithful, Ben-Ariel -whose name used to be David Hoover - was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Asqa Mosque in order to clear the way for a third Jewish temple to be built.
Israeli authorities kept Ben-Ariel in prison for several weeks during the investigation. While in jail, according to the Jerusalem Post (Feb. 1, 1996), Ben-Ariel petitioned Israel's High Court of Justice for his release while Israeli authorities decided whether to prosecute the Christian-Zionist or deport him back to the States. Ben-Ariel's request for release was denied. Soon after, he was deported
That's the kind of potentially dangerous influence our church avoids associating with
that man's troubling background
may have been part of a terrorist plot in Jerusalem
Philadelphia Church of God ministers, Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry, made passing references to the Temple Mount Faithful, Israeli police and Israeli investigations of David Ben-Ariel (little ol' me), and included inflammatory false accusations of "dangerous influence" and warning FOX 25 about me. Surely the PCG understands how the charge of an Israeli investigation would unfairly prejudice readers against me.
Dangerous Ideas?
Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry simply hurled that fire bomb at me in their full page ad in The Oklahoman to damage my promotional work and undermine Beyond Babylon that contains our biblical beliefs, because they're not in control - they don't call the shots - and it exposes the work that they're not doing, as effectively as they could! The Catholic Church saw to it that "heretics" were burnt at the stake and Flurry and cultic company engage in smear campaigns, character assassination, against those who dare to disagree with them!
If I had been a federal agent or Israeli agent reading their slanderous report, it certainly would have raised concerns in my mind about David Ben-Ariel. Why would the Philadelphia Church of God attempt to frighten Oklahomans against David Ben-Ariel and the Temple Mount Faithful who are both Bible believers and law-abiding?
Gershon Salomon, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, regularly works with the Israeli authorities in preparation, coordinating efforts in Jerusalem, for his legal demonstrations to protest ongoing religious discrimination against Christians and Jews in Israel, and as a hero from Israel's Six Day War in 1967, having helped to liberate the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Mr. Salomon is known by every Israeli and completely above ground and level-headed.
I informed the Israeli police who conducted an investigation about me, due to a controversial article published in Jerusalem (Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem) that includes many of the same beliefs the PCG shares, that I respected it was their duty to investigate any legitimate concerns they might have, but that they condemn themselves if after they discover my innocence (which they did, "lacking sufficient evidence" to charge or convict me of anything of the sort), they continued to treat me like some common criminal! They informed The Jerusalem Post, as reported on the front page of The Jerusalem Post (Jan. 9, 1996), they "lacked sufficient evidence..." against me.
Did you get that? It bears repeating since apparently Gerald and Stephen Flurry failed to get it or wickedly ignored it: the Israeli police informed The Jerusalem Post, as reported on the front page of The Jerusalem Post, they "lacked sufficient evidence..." against me. So why would professing Christian church leaders fail to give me the benefit of the doubt, cast aspersions on my character, and play the charade of feeling the need to distance themselves from me? Especially when they're acting so self-righteously indignant over such tactics they feel have been used against them? Doesn't that appear as sheer gall and rank hypocrisy before both God and man?
Still at Large!
As for law enforcement officials in this country, I've reported on how the FBI investigated a false accusation against me, how I welcomed them and went over and beyond being helpful by providing them complete access to my computer's hard drive without a warrant to do so, and on another occasion appreciated their support when they tracked a death threat against me to East Jerusalem.
All things considered, as a practicing Christian Zionist (nothing to be ashamed of), I forgive Messrs. Gerald and Stephen Flurry for their misleading references to me, and thank our Great Creator God, the God of the Bible, the God of Israel, for offering me this opportunity to again clear my name of all these false charges some hope to keep alive, hateful opponents of the plain truth of the Bible and history that I dare to share. Perhaps the PCG can help to make amends with the maligned Temple Mount Faithful by writing an objective article about them in The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine and/or offering a generous donation to their biblical cause.
Gerald Flurry's Outrageous Attack Against David Ben-Ariel
Is David Ben-Ariel a Terrorist?
From Toledo to Jerusalem
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Phased Destruction
The Washington Times
Inside the Beltway
By John McCaslin '
Phased destruction'
American author David Ben-Ariel tells this column that he will soon release "Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall," describing the book as "staunchly pro-Israel/ American." As a result, he predicts, the book's subject matter "will become a national debate and an international controversy." Not surprising. Mr. Ben-Ariel of late has referred to the "mindless mantra that mesmerizes fools for peace at any price and rings hollow because the Jews are going again, slowly but surely, through the lying peace process of phased destruction." "The only ones (thank God for the precious few) who are making any fuss about it, dragging their heels rather than go like sheep to the slaughter, are roundly condemned by their own leaders and American administrations and worthless world opinion as 'enemies of peace,' 'obstacles to peace,' and other name brands because they don't want to 'rest in peace' but live and prosper."
David Hoover/David Ben-Ariel
Stephen Flurry makes mention, in Gerald Flurry's hateful Oklahoman ad against me (it corrects some errors in Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God, but falters when it goes on to engage in the same character assassination against me they cry was done to them, based on half-truths and downright dirty innuendos that I am a terrorist, which is what folks will remember - not the corrections), that "Ben-Ariel -- whose name used to be Hoover -- was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Aqsa mosque" and was later deported.
Flurry failed to report that the Israeli authorities acknowledged to The Jerusalem Post that they "lacked sufficient evidence" to convict me - because there was no plot except the one they conspired against me, due to an article published in The Traveller magazine in Jerusalem, as revealed within: Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem and Still at Large!
My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it in 1989 for religious reasons, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Flurry's fury against DBA
Apparently, the PCG would mislead you to believe that!
Why would the PCG portray David Ben-Ariel as a terrorist? Especially after complaining about character assassination of Gerald Flurry and the Philadelphia Church of God, of which he is the pastor general? Isn't that hypocrisy that stinks to High Heaven? Are they so hateful against all former members?
The Philadelphia Church of God, based in Edmond, Oklahoma, took out a full page ad in The Oklahoman. It was in livid response to FOX 25's Prime Time News at Nine Special Report on the PCG.
In The Oklahoman ad, Gerald Flurry charges that FOX 25 "built its case against us relying heavily on THAT MAN'S TESTIMONY, even featuring him prominently on their two part series," although the reports totalled nearly 10 minutes or so in duration and I was featured for roughly 40 seconds. Not even 15 minutes of fame there!
Within my very brief appearance (that thankfully flashed Beyond Babylon on the screen, my book, as well as my Philadelphia Church of God blog and photo), I made a total of four comments that were noted in my article: Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God -
Fox 25, Oklahoma City, Special Report:
Philadelphia Church of God: Part One
David Ben-Ariel: I was basically put out..
Reporter Nick Winkler: Former PCG member David Ben-Ariel says he was kicked out of the Church for writing a book [Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall] without the Church's approval and says all that money [15 million Art Center on their Edmond, Oklahoma site] could be better spent spreading God's Word differently...
David Ben-Ariel: Hopefully, they'll stop spending their money in Edmond, Oklahoma and use it to become a household word with our teachings and let that become known.
Philadelphia Church of God: Part Two
Nick Winkler: Before Jesus Christ returns...
David Ben-Ariel: Violence, WWIII...yes, there will be lots of violence.
Nick Winkler: Former PCG member David Ben-Ariel says he was kicked out of the Church but still defends its tithing practices...
David Ben-Ariel: Again, it's voluntary but it's understood if you're a Church of God member you will tithe and you'll want to.
Did you read anything in those four comments to justify Gerald Flurry's fury against me? He must of had a vein about to burst when he made steaming reference to me in his attack ad as "THAT MAN'S TESTIMONY" and "that man."
What was so terrible about my testimony? Doesn't the PCG believe any longer that the end of this world, as we know it, will occur with great violence? Is that why they've settled in their comfortable Edmond campus-kingdom and expensively adorn it with what will soon be spoils of war? It wasn't aired, but I had continued to share during the interview that it will get so bad that mankind will demand divine intervention to save us from ourselves, especially the targetted American, British and Jewish peoples.
"I was basically put out..." - did it disturb Flurry that this dubious practice should be made known? That I was disfellowshipped from the Philadelphia Church of God by Gerald Flurry's former wicked counsellor, Dennis Leap, for writing Beyond Babylon without being an ordained minister, and for publicly protesting his abuse of this lay member? I had written articles exposing him playing politics and shared them with brethren, which resulted in me being "marked" by the PCG. God knows my testimony is true, and it can be reviewed here:
Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
So what is Gerald Flurry talking about? Did he see the same special report? What warranted his murderous hatred? His vile slander against me, leaving the strong and wrong impression that I am a terrorist? I even upheld their biblical practice of tithing but strongly disagreed with Flurry's misguided focus on Edmond rather than on Jerusalem and the world.
Herbert W. Armstrong always said we should focus on Jerusalem, and that involves far more than scratching the surface with archaeological digs that, at least, the PCG, is involved with in Israel. But it isn't enough, as I decry in: PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual".
The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah
Flurry is floundering in Oklahoma, despite outward appearances. He has foundered his flock, excessively feeding themselves instead of others, feeling they're rich and fat and sassy and in need of nothing, but they're ready for slaughter - if they don't repent and do more!
The PCG does offer lots of literature, but it's nothing compared to what they could be doing with all that money squandered in Edmond. Besides, why does Flurry want to impress the world rather than warn them about a German-dominated Europe that will soon strike us with nuclear lightning?
The Watchmen are to sound the alarm and roar like a lion, not purr like a pussy cat! Once folks find out what the collective Body of Christ, the Sabbath-keeping Church of God really believes, all the various groups associated with the biblical teachings that Herbert W. Armstrong taught, not just the PCG, they'll hate us!
My unjust deportation from Israel, from the Jewish homeland that I love, was due to unwarranted hatred of the plain truth, by godless Israeli authorities who despise Torah-observant Jews and Christian Zionists who remind them of their Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities. They prefer to worship at the altar of humanism and act like Hellenists, wanting to become like the world rather than a light to all nations.
Flurry's ad referred to me as "a man that the Israeli police suspects of being involved in terrorist activity." Of course, he offers no proof of it, as they never did either - because there isn't a shred of evidence to even suggest such nonsense! What is clear is that some are terrorized by the truth! So, yes, in that sense, I am a terrorist!
Apparently, it terrorized the Germans and the Jesuits, and their treacherous Jewish puppets, when I had an article published in The Traveller - read throughout Israel - exposing the German-Vatican plot to occupy Jerusalem. It was shortly after its publication that I was visited where I lived and worked, the Palm Youth Hostel outside the Damascus Gate, and taken for six and a half hours of nighttime interrogation by six different men.
I was NEVER arrested, because I was never charged with any crime, because I was never guilty of any of the false accusations some wickedly indulge in spewing. I was detained and later unjustly deported. Those are the facts.
When I attempted to return the same year of my unjust deportation (1996) I was detained at the airport and refused entry. In 1997 I petitioned Senator Mike DeWine to inquire about a visa for me and he received an initial reply from Itzhak Oren, Minister for Congressional Affairs, March 7, 1997, that read, in part:
"It is our understanding that Mr. Ben-Ariel will not be granted a tourist visa at this time...The Ministry of the Interior...has made the decision not to grant the visa and does not offer any information behind their decision."
That was in regard to the requested visa, not to my former unjust deportation! Note the difference. Consequent correspondence informed Senator DeWine that I would not be "eligible for a tourist visa until 2005." They never said I couldn't return. In fact, in God's good time, I expect to return to Zion.
Regarding my unjust deportation, that political prostitute, former Consul General in Jerusalem, Edward Abington, Jr., wrote the Honorable Marcy Kaptur, my Congressional representative, June 28, 1996:
"On June 6, 1996 the Consulate General in Jerusalem received your letter of May 6, 1996 about the deportation of David Ben-Ariel.
On April 2, 1996, we responded to an earlier query of yours about Mr. Ben- Ariel. In that letter we noted that Mr. Ben-Ariel was held at the Jerusalem jail from January 4, 1996 until February 1, 1996, when he was deported by the Israeli government for overstaying his permission to stay in Israel...(emphasis mine).
Blow up the Mosques or an Expired Visa?
My strong response to his incompetence, to his pro-Nazi Muslim and anti-Jewish and anti-Christian stance, has been made very public, since my letter to Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur is available for all to see and read: Why Edward Abington, Jr. Must Be Investigated!
The United States State Department, Senators DeWine and Voinovich, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur and the Israeli authorities among many others, know I was never deported from Israel for anything other than "an expired visa." Which is just another lie, since it was not expired as I had that special piece of paper from the Ministry of the Interior, but they used that lame excuse to cover themselves since the plain truth was, as Gershon Salomon, honored to help liberate the Temple Mount during the miraculous Six Day War in 1967, chairman of the Temple Mount Faithful, stated: "This is a clear cut case of politico-religious discrimination."
It's an abomination that Gerald and Stephen Flurry would conspire as two false witnesses against me, useful idiots for the corrupt Israeli oligarchy, something we can expect from the unconverted world, from those who disagree with our religious beliefs, but it's a Judas-type betrayal for professing Christians to backstab a brother!
And when the pastor general of the PCG treats such vicious rumors as fact, which he hated when supposedly done to him, and speaks of them as "that man's troubling past" and "potentially dangerous influence," and refers to me as a "dangerous critic," he's proven how unsound his judgment is and how irrational he's become - especially when honest and objective folks can see all I correctly criticized was Dennis Leap playing politics about Beyond Babylon and Gerald Flurry wasting tithe money in his own backyard.
David Ben-Ariel
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall
Gerald Flurry Attacks David Ben-Ariel
Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the PCG, is guilty of what he charges others. The disgruntled leader of the Edmond, Oklahoma-based Philadelphia Church of God has launched an outrageous attack against me due to his indignation over FOX 25's Primetime News at Nine special report on the PCG that aired two nights in a row. Flurry's fury was poured out in a full-page ad in The Oklahoman today.
Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God
Gerald Flurry has every right to offer his review of the special report on the PCG (and some of his ire is merited), but one wonders why he refused to be interviewed and set the record straight then, and even tape it himself to avoid being taken out of context?
Gerald Flurry hypocritically rants and raves against yellow journalism, scandalous unsubstantiated allegations, "telling part of the truth can make the truth out to be a lie," and then turns right around and engages in all those "dangerously demented tactics" against the Branch Davidians and against David Ben-Ariel - little ol' me!
Gerald Flurry feigns surprise that I knew about the special report allegedly before they did, but he fails to make honest mention that I sent out that information to both the PCG and many other of the Church of God branches, as many can testify. Considering how his former right-hand man and terrible sycophant (who was a cruel counsellor to many of the battered brethren), Dennis Leap, apparently withheld information from him about my book, Beyond Babylon, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know what was going on. I tried.
Gerald Flurry should be ashamed that he would abuse me as his straw man against reporter Nick Winkler and Fox 25, especially when I made it very clear to Mr. Winkler that I did not want to b part of any hit piece after I reviewed some questions he graciously sent me, as these emails prove:
David wrote:
I'm curious if those questions are for everybody you'll talk to or do you plan to talk to present members of the PCG too for balance or not or what? Is it a hit piece or an honest and unbiased report?
Original Message
From: Nick Winkler
Sent: Oct 14, 2008 8:25 PM
To: David
Subject: Re: (no subject)
No. I plan on contacting Flurry and members who live nearby.
I understand they may even be having an open house for the public.
Those questions will be asked of Flurry as well.
Feel free to disagree with the nature of any of the questions.
Correct anything you think is not being asked fairly.
Some of the questions are derived from law enforcement who have
investigated the church in the past.
Feel free to ask me whatever you'd like..or to add to the questions I sent.
From: "David"
To: "Nick Winkler"
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 8:28 PM
Subject: Constructive criticism
I'm pleasantly surprised by your refreshing reply, Nick. Thank you. The questions simply seemed biased and hateful IF those are the only questions that bitter former members would revel in but someone like me wouldn't want to be party to since we have constructive criticism (even TOUGH LOVE) of the PCG and still maintain the same basic beliefs as they do: Sabbath, holy days, dietary laws, no pagan holidays or traditional heaven and hell BS from Rome.
You might have noted in several articles I took Mr. Flurry to task, saying IF he truly believes we're in the last of the last days, why is he spending a fortune in Edmond (on jewels, buildings, etc.) instead of getting the Word out and becoming a household name? It is inconsistent and a squandering of time and money.
If Mr. Flurry or current Church members speak with you, I'll be surprised, since Mr. Armstrong told us all years ago how he ONCE permitted himself to be interviewed and after they "edited" it and went with it he felt totally betrayed and misrepresented. A great and deserving mistrust exists among the brethren due to such negative experiences. I'm willing to be interviewed, because what have I got to lose? :-)
Gerald Flurry wrote in his full page ad:
"Our Church briefly communicated with David Ben-Ariel in the early 1990s.
But we quickly cut off all contact after learning about his bizarre and even radical views." And then he goes on to mention: "Ben-Ariel -- whose name used to be Hoover -- was detained by Israeli police and interrogated for six hours for allegedly plotting to blow up the Al-Aqsa mosque" and was later deported. Flurry failed to report that the Israeli authorities acknowledged to The Jerusalem Post that they "lacked sufficient evidence" to convict me - because there was no plot except the one they conspired against me, due to an article published in The Traveller magazine in Jerusalem, as revealed within: Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem and Still at Large!
Gerald Flurry failed to mention I was an official member of the Philadelphia Church of God in the early 1990s, and that I was put out of the PCG for daring to write a book, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, without being an ordained minister. Dennis Leap was infuriated when I told him that by his insistence that I must be a minister to write such a book, he was still looking to "men of stature" (which Flurry's book, Malachi's Message, condemns) and that he was unbiblical and playing politics by his dictates that I must "forget about Beyond Babylon" and act "like a regular lay member." I was disfellowshipped and later "marked" after exposing all this in various *articles (which is what reporter Nick Day found on the Internet and is why he contacted me).
Wayne Turgeon [Gerald Flurry's son-in-law] handed Flurry a print out of Beyond Babylon years ago and he returned it to him saying, "He's always sending us stuff." Mr. Flurry even responded to me several times on various issues including his confusion of Mount Carmel with Mount Hermon which I brought to his attention (having been blessed to live next to both of them), and my disagreement with him when he said the pope was the only religious leader to sit on a throne and I mentioned the Queen of England is also head of the Anglican Church (although agreeing with the point he was making against the Roman Catholic Cult)... Later I sent an autographed copy of a self-published BB (Beyond Babylon) [before Publish America published it] to Flurry's home for him and his wife who said to me (during the Feast of Tabernacles in Louisville) about my name, "What a strong Judah name!"
- excerpt from When Caesar Plays God: When the State Oversteps its Bounds
*Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
Gerald Flurry failed to mention that the PCG believes in the same "bizarre and even radical views" that I do, whether it's about a German-EU, under the heavy influence of the Roman Catholic Church, that will brutally betray the American, British and Jewish peoples, igniting WWIII, and that professing Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter are nothing but baptized paganism, idolatry and immorality, that are fuel on the fires of God's judgment upon our White Israelite nations, leading to destruction, defeat and deportation!
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
Gerald Flurry's attack against me failed to address the two issues I raised:
1) How I was put out of the PCG for writing Beyond Babylon, and 2) how he's wasting tithes on a $15 million Art Center on their Edmond, Oklahoma site instead of properly getting out the Word of God, as I decry in PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual".
Gerald Flurry has been given an opportunity to go public, taking out full page ads that I called upon him to do years ago, to share our beliefs, the plain truth of the Bible, to warn the world, now that FOX 25 has afforded him coverage. May God bless Gerald Flurry to repent and do just that.
David Ben-Ariel
Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Kibbutz Adamit
Kibbutz Adamit photos

Monday, December 1, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Stay the Course
Re: Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God
If your book [Beyond Babylon] was inspired by Our Heavenly Father, no one should condemn it. Of course that could be the reason, because most people don't want to accept the truth. Just stay the course, if it's right it will finally be exposed.
Good luck,
I'm an e-vangelist
I received this private message at the forum:
I was curious. I have read some of your entries. Do you have any formal training in theology or training from a seminary or yeshiva?
Thankfully not (for the most part), but hopefully folks will recognize that I've spent plenty of prayerful time in the Word, even as the religious authorities noted Peter and John - "uneducated and untrained men" (no formal training) - had spent time with Yeshua.
Acts 4
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.
are you self taught? do you have a mentor?
Like the noble Bereans, I search the Scriptures to see what is so and mainly did so with Herbert W. Armstrong's biblical teachings.
are you an established minister or ordained elder in any denomination? do you operate a church or assembly in the Toledo,OH area?
No and God knows I have no desire to be one. I do what I feel I've been called to do: serve as an e-vangelist throughout the internet world.
Sabbath peace/Shabbat Shalom!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Brady Births
William Brady December 22, 1884
Ella Mohan Brady May 10, 1888
George Elmer Brady December 10, 1905
Joe Manuel Brady June 25, 1908
Memphis Carmetta Brady June 25, 1910
Mary Lillian Brady March 12, 1912
Esther Brady May 16, 1914
Isabella Brady June 10, 1918
Laurence Brady June 21, 1920
Mavellena Brady March 6, 1922
Thelma Mae Brady December 24, 1924
Catherine Latherea Brady December 1, 1926
Bernard Edward Brady June 25, 1928
Marie Brady February 14, 1930
Elizabeth Jeanette Brady June 7, 1932
Brady Marriages
William Brady & Ella Mohan Mar. 6, 1905
Memphis Brady & Fuson Peace Nov. 19, 1928
Christine Brady & Lee King 1932
Isabella Brady & Edward King 1937
Thelma Brady & Hubert King 1938
Katharyn Brady & James Overton Feb. 22, 1941
Mavallena Brady & Charles King Apr. 12, 1941
Thelma Brady & Sam Pitts Jan. 16, 1948
Edward Brady & Vina Hamilton Aug. 18, 1947
Elizabeth Brady & Jimmie Powers Jun 1949
No more Xmas!
C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism
First, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be sung in Latin or in English. Secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and consequently, its observance is a superstition
Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?
Going into debt certainly isn't biblical, so why not break free from the trance? The "Christmas" rush is a "drug" pushed by commercial pimps prostituting a supposedly Christian holiday for their ungodly profits! They hold hands around the cash register and sing, "What a friend we have in Jesus."
Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas
I was blessed to grow up in Risingsun, Ohio next door to my Grandma and Grandpa Hoover on their farm that embraced where we lived, surrounding us with its loving arms on both sides (until the age of 11) and behind, with our woods over yonder a bit, that I loved to walk through as a boy, always looking for my "brother" hawk, circling overhead, to greet me...
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
Abominable Christians, those who have the perverted religious preference of tradition over truth, are just like every other sinner unwilling to confess and forsake their sins and seek to whitewash or justify them. The difference is such professing Christians often pretend to be better or more righteous than those physical idolaters and immoral folks (who also refuse to repent) while they engage in spiritual idolatry (putting tradition over truth) and spiritual immorality (whoring around with other gods and foreign ways) bringing divine judgment upon our nations.
Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent
Having clearly seen how the practice of homosexuality is a sin (as I testify in God and the Gays), I can now see clearly how SPIRITUAL HOMOSEXUALS, the bloody Roman Catholic whore and her Protestant prostitute daughters (Rev. 17:5), prefer tradition over truth.
Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?
If anybody is honestly interested in knowing whether or not this or that doctrine is actually biblical or merely traditional, all they have to do is objectively search the Scriptures like the noble Bereans did in Acts 17:11, after hearing Paul out, to see whether what he taught was true...
Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?
"Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God" (Isaiah 58)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Expulsion of Palestinians
Sir, - Mass expulsion of Palestinians without howls of protest and world condemnation? Yes, but unfortunately, only in the Gulf States. The UN obviously understands that such decisive acts are preventive measures to ensure national security from subversive elements who flout their support for their blood-brother Saddam Hussein. If only Israel would express such logic and concern for its personal health and national welfare...
Oct. 19, 1990
The Jerusalem Post
Terrorist Bombing
Sir, - "Nobody in the government and nobody who believes in democracy is ever going to give in to this people, not now, not tomorrow, not in 100 years, not in 1,000 years and not on this side of hell and hell is where these people ought to be."
A Knesset member's outburst after another terrorist attack? No, rather it's Northern Ireland's Minister Richard Weedham blasting the IRA's recent hospital bombing.
Perhaps Messrs. Bush and Baker will rush to the scene and convene another "peace" conference before this "instransigent" fellow fouls up their plans for a "new world order...."
Kibbutz Ha'On
Nov. 13, 1991
The Jerusalem Post
Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways
Genesis 15:
18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants [through Isaac] I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates: 19 the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, 21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites."
It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.
Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Israel must make concessions, Israel must do this, Israel must do that, while the Arabs continue to get away with mass murder and terrorism (while promising peace and feigning ignorance), aided and abetted by the international community...
Israel ready to attack Iran?
Air Force chief says only question over whether or not to attack Iran is political more» *********************
Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem
As the United States called upon Israel to become their virtual protectorate during Operation Desert Storm, the European Union will offer Israel guarantees of peace and security. Europe, not the overextended and highly inflated United States, will take out Iran.
Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?
Originally Posted by dolphin
This JEW tells it like it is...
Yes, BARRY CHAMISH lays it on the line and reveals who the true killers of Yitzhak Rabin are and how they shamefully still walk free: Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? YouTube
Does Rahm Emanuel know who pulled the trigger?
Audio: Who Pulled the Trigger?
A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar YonahListen Now!
It's 13 years after that dramatic evening, following a rally in Tel Aviv, when PM Yitzhak Rabin walked to his waiting car and was shot. But by whom? Barry Chamish, investigative reporter and author of the book, WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN? says that Yigal Amir, the man convicted of the assassination, could not have killed Rabin. He goes through the reasons why. If so, then who, why and how was he killed? Hear this program where Chamish walks us through the murder, step by step, and shows us how the official story just doesn't add up. Watch the video of the shooting.
Zionism is an atheistic movement masquerading as the fulfillment of religious prophecy. Zionism is a plan for an end run around God’s. It is Satanism.
Biblical Zionism is definitely a part of the Word and Will of God, prophesied, as Christian Zionists recognize, even if some globalists attempt to pervert its holy purpose, as those running Israel into the ground are doing. The Hellenists, useful idiots in many ways, will fail and the plan of God, His grand design, will be fulfilled.
See: Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel
God utilized political Zionism for His purposes, just as He utilized America's rebellion against the English throne. On the surface, neither were so special or righteous, but both were instrumental in fulfilling prophecy.
As for the treatment of the former inhabitants of the lands that God decreed for His people, whether Arabs or Indians, I'm sure the Canaanites would offer scathing condemnation but others would see God's purpose being worked out, however imperfectly to limited human vision. God addresses any injustices in His own way and time (2 Sam. 21:1-14), but dismisses those charges that exaggerate or exploit them to deny our basic biblical right to the lands He has chosen for us (Acts 17:26).
See: A Jewish Homeland
Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss & Massoud Shadjareh at WCAR
They look like those religious Jews who failed to make the move from their ghettos, who didn't let the fire under their butts get them going, blind to the prophecies about the restoration of the Jewish homeland, deaf to the cries to save themselves, who perished in the flames of the Holocaust.
"How can one explain the inaction of those rabbis who agree that we can enter the Temple Mount? How can one explain those who distort the truth and prohibit the entrance of Jews to the Temple Mount? After 2,000 years of prayers asking that God return us to Zion and speedily rebuild the Temple, what excuse could there be for preferring the Wall of Tears over the House of God?
The best answer can be found in the book, Ame Banim Smecha, written by Rabbi Yisachar Teichtel. Rabbi Teichtel was a Chasid who lived in Hungary and perished in the holocaust. While on the run from the Nazis, he wrote a powerful book quoting his sources from memory. He confronts the question that haunts many Jews: "why were so many religious Jews and Torah scholars killed during the holocaust?" His answer is unequivocal, the religious Jews and the Torah scholars watched the secular Zionists return to Zion; and they did not learn from their actions. Jews who prayed thrice daily for the return to Zion should have immediately realized that if secular Jews are leaving the exile, how much more so should they. By turning their backs on the Land of Israel, Rabbi Teichtel writes, their fate was sealed. God hates hypocrisy and punishes those who invoke his name in vain. And so they stayed in exile to be consumed by the fires of the Holocaust."
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Kibbutz Reshafim
Here are some of my pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers on site and on various trips to Timna, Eilat, Bet Shean, Ein Gedi and Jerusalem, as well as some links to letters I wrote to an American friend about it all.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Germany Behind the Mask
For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong warned that a German-led European combine would thresh the nations. When Germany lay in ashes after WWII, Mr. Armstrong had no doubt Germany would be back with a vengeance and he pounded this theme home through the pages of The Plain Truth magazine read by millions worldwide.
Are We Wrong About Europe? by Ryan Malone of The Philadelphia Trumpet magazine, reveals how they continue in Armstrong's tradition.
Konrad Adenauer said the West was "taking a calculated risk" when they started rebuilding Germany after the Holocaust. Before that President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill agreed: "It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and to ensure Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world."
Nevertheless, Helmut Schmidt reported Germany was again putting on "imperial airs," and author Bernard Conally wrote that France was struggling to "hold the old demons of Germany's character in check." Margaret Thatcher warned her deaf audience that "Germany is very powerful now - her national character is to dominate." Are they all just crying wolf? Or is the German beast about to devour again?
Robert Locke - who is opposed to the increasingly fascist Europe but doesn't believe Germany dominates it - stated: "I can't agree with you about Germany. It is a castrated PC marshmallow of a country, not a lion preparing to rule the world."
Consider Luigi Barzini's reference to “The mutable Germans” in The Europeans where he questions: “Which is the shape of the German Proteus this morning? Which will be its shape tomorrow? Johannes Gross thinks his countrymen wear a mask. 'But the day may come when someone lifts the mask,” he wrote. “The face that appears may be less full-cheeked and rosy than today's... So long as we wear the mask, we remain hidden and continue to conceal the situation from ourselves.'”
Ron Fraser (Is a World Dictator About to Appear?) exposes: “Although Germany is the prime mover in all these [European unification] efforts, in order to dispel any idea that the country may have expansionist intentions, these initiatives have generally been made under the cloak of being for the common good of the European Union.”
This sentiment concurs with Bismarck, who wrote in his diary (Nov. 1876): “I have always heard politicians use the word “Europe” when they were making requests to other powers which they did not dare formulate in the name of their own country.”
What is Germany hiding? Nuclear weapons? Who would be so foolish to imagine Germany without their own nuclear weapons when they were ahead of us in developing them? Certainly the grand design Franz Josef Strauss had in mind (with much at his disposal as Federal Minister of Nuclear Energy, and later Defense Minister) demanded independence from the United States. And Germany's Dolphin submarines delivered to Israel, equipped to handle nuclear weapons, underscore German military capabilities, yet the United States continues to blindly promote their control of the European continent, oblivious to The Dangers in US-German European Policy.
How many German plants in America are serving the interests of Germany's budding Fourth Reich? It's not only German factories and German businesses in America proving “that basic thoroughness of the orderly German” (Johannes Gross), since the secret Nazis had predetermined such a strategy, but bought and paid for American prostitutes in diverse and perverse positions of power aid and abet them! They expose our country to danger and will leave us infected as a nuclear wasteland!
What is Germany hiding behind the mask? Even if skeptics dismiss the mystic relationship between Germany and the Vatican (both forging Europe into their image believing “the German spirit will heal the world” -Emanuel Geibel), and doubt the Bavarian pope is soon going to promote a particular strong man and platform to save Europe and the world from the threat of Islam, shouldn't those responsible for our national security seriously consider the scenario of a United States of Europe betraying us? Shouldn't the intelligence experts consider that possibility and prepare for it? Why suffer the element of surprise that Germany is infamous for? “The German is acquainted with the hidden paths to chaos...” (Nietzche).
“ is once again important to keep an eye on the German Proteus in an attempt to fathom the probable shape of things to come. What form will he assume next? After all, Germany is still "le coeur de l'Europe” (Barzini). Is the German marshmallow about to mutate into the German monster? Will the EU mask come off and expose the beast? Will the heart be healthy for Europe or dark and dangerous?
Moses and interracial marriage
So, you assert your lineage to Joseph, which means you are descended of the interracial Manasseh and Ephraim, whose mother was Egyptian - a Hamite - and what's more, the daughter of a priest of the Egyptian gods.
Those who rightly divide the Word of truth know that NOWHERE does it say Asenath, the "Egyptian" mother of Manasseh (USA) and Ephraim (British- Israelites), was a Hamite. You've taken liberties with the Word of God that enslave you to error and cause you to stumble in your spiritual darkness.
Moses at one point was also called an "Egyptian," and those who carelessly assume all Egyptians were black would be sorely mistaken:
Exodus 2:19
They answered, "An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds. He [Egyptian Moses] even drew water for us and watered the flock."
Today when folks speak of Africans, most would think of blacks, however there are plenty of white Africans, even though their numbers are dwindling due to cruel conditions and savage mistreatment by those who fail to remember "Joseph" and appreciate how White Israelites (enjoying the blessings of Joseph's Birthright) built up their God-given lands, their biblical inheritances, that are now suffering, withering on the vine, due to unnatural circumstances and black mismanagement.
As far as Asenath being raised in a pagan household, so was Abraham, the father of the faithful, and Rahab and Ruth and Rachel and Leah, as Herbert W. Armstrong mentions in The Sin of Interracial Marriage:
"Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, who had worked for Laban for a long time you know, and when he left Laban, his wife Rachael stole the idols from her father Laban and carried those little idols with her. And Laban came out to find them. They were his gods. So they were worshipping a different god over there. But Abraham sent to get someone of that race, of that color, of that family, for a wife for Isaac, even though they were of a different religion."
Religious beliefs do not change one's race, our ethnic make up, our DNA, do they? However, the true religion is to change our heart, so help us God, to let go of human reasonings, idolatrous traditions, and learn to think like God and submit Father knows best (Isa. 55:7-9, Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 18:31).
David Ben-Ariel
Monday, November 17, 2008
Israel and Europe is a bad mix
Re: South Africa Ruined by Black Marxists (ANC)
David Ben-Ariel,
Shalom aleichem.
Why speak peace when war is in your heart, as your post proves?
It looks like not anyone - Gentile or Jew is posting any comment.
Many email me privately, Jews, Israelites and Gentiles, just like the Jewish religious leader Nicodemus came to Yeshua in private (John 3:1-21). Of course, I would rather folks post publicly, even anonymously, but that's their prerogative isn't it?
Is it because other would-be correspondents are wise to your far-fetched conspiracy theories and your extreme Christian Zionist paranoia regarding Israel and your immagined threats to it - from Europe of all places.
Hitler restoring Germany to power and posing a military threat to Europe and British Israel appeared to be a "far-fetched conspiracy theory" to practically everybody but Winston Churchill, didn't it? And yet Churchill was right - a lone voice in the wilderness - and the rest were wrong. History is filled with "conspiracy theories" that found fulfillment in due time, that were put into practice, that became facts on the ground, as some courageously warned they would. Jabotinsky also promoted a "far-fetched conspiracy theory" - that European Jewry was about to be completely destroyed. Some said he was mad, others questioned his motivations, but Jabotinsky was right - and those who doubted or mocked him were dead wrong.
Both the Bible and history testify Israel has every right to be "paranoid" about blood-soaked Europe. Have you failed to learn the lessons of the Holocaust? Don't you know your Bible? Why play deaf, dumb and blind to the testimony they dare to share?
Is your name really David Ben-Ariel?
Yes, I legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel in 1989, as mentioned in God-given Names.
Is your name really Baruch?
Are you indeed in fact even a Jew?
I have never claimed to be a Jew according to halacha (Jewish law), according to the religion of Judaism. However, like Christian Zionist Orde Wingate, I recognize the identity of Joseph as British Israel: the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples.
Joseph isn't Jewish! Many remain willfully or woefully (God knows) blind to this fact. Some of us know the importance of preserving the biblical distinction between the Twelve Tribes of Israel and don't carelessly confuse them all as "Jews." There are Jews and there are Israelites. Why not learn the difference?
Where you arrested and sent packing from Eretz Israel by the police and Shin Bet for attempting to blow up the Muslim Dome of the Rock?
I was never arrested but I was detained and later deported, as explained in Israel's Unjust Deportation of David Ben-Ariel and Blow Up the Mosques or An Expired Visa? The Israeli equivalent of the KGB, similar to Stasi, Shabak, know beyond any shadow of a doubt that I wasn't involved in any conspiracy theory they concocted.
Shin Bet overreacted to "Will Jerusalem become an international city?" -- an article of mine that was published in Jerusalem and read throughout Israel (and now the world) where I warn about the German-Vatican plot to occupy Jerusalem and encourage the proper Israeli authorities to restore the Temple Mount as the Temple Mount: to build the Third Temple as Bible-believing Christians and Jews know must and will be done.
What a wonderful idea - but such extreme and dangerous ideas have been explored by people before you
Dangerous ideas? Extreme to who? Those far out in Left field? The faithless? Those who cower like dhimmis before the Nazi Muslims? Those who advocate surrender rather than call upon Israel to exercise their sovereignty and remove the threat the Muslims present? Appeasement is dangerous - far more dangerous, as it will never work and only serves to incite the enemies of God and Israel to make greater demands.
I think of the late Chief Rabbi of Israel, Schlomo Goren of Blessed Memory. He wanted to do what you are alleged to have plotted. After East Jerusalem was liberated and the holy sites fell into our hands, he too wished - or he expressed the wish to blow up the Muslim holy site. He told Moshe Dayan what was on his mind and Dayan told him in no uncertain terms : "If you carry on talking like this Rabbi, I will have to arrest you".
Shame on Moshe Dayan! Like the Hellenists who are running Israel into the ground today and into the iron jaws of a German-Jesuit EU, Moshe Dayan hated anything truly Jewish or biblical and wanted to cut the Jewish People off from their spiritual roots.
Moshe had learnt well - from a Christian Zionist, Captain Orde Wingate - a true Friend of the Jewish people - who helped set up the Hagganah and had shown the Jewish people how to fight - that the true way to wage war was to show compassion to non-combitants and innocents and not to provoke non military or religious targets.
Moshe Dayan miserably failed to learn from the British-Israelite and Christian Zionist, Orde Wingate. Otherwise he would have said, "Amen!" to Schlomo Goren's prayerful thoughts that required faithful actions - especially since he had the authority and God-given opportunity to do it. Orde Wingate would know, as Christian and Jewish realists today do, that there are few innocents among the Arabs who occupy the Promised Land of Israel.
As a Bible believer, not just reader, Orde Wingate would recognize the Temple Mount must be restored as the Temple Mount and that it's an unnatural situation for it to continue to remain under Gentile occupation and suffer defilement by foreign objects.
Ben-Ariel - you're no Wingate
You've proven you're not qualified to say since you've misrepresented Orde Wingate already - not that I need to be a Wingate when I am Ben-Ariel, by the grace of God: a son of Jerusalem, a scion of the Lion of God.
the modern State of Israel doesn't need extreme religious millenarian right wingers like yourself to provoke acts of imported terrorism, calculated in your wild conspiracy theories to provoke an Armaggedon-type war which will hasten the advent of the Messiah (Moshiach).
Look at how you spew stereotypes and expose your ignorance of my beliefs! You don't have a clue - or at least you pretend to be so gullible to believe the conspiracy theories, the disinformation campaign, Shabak engages in against me (and all who truly love Israel), since they suffer from the Cain syndrome.
I don't subscribe to your stereotypical Christian beliefs and I wasn't involved in any provocative act - except for writing an article exposing the German-Jesuit plans for Jerusalem that has provoked their useful idiots. It appears truth terrorizes those who live a lie and prefer darkness to light.
And in your crazy reckoning us Jews will finally accept Jesus. Fuck off, with friends like you - who needs enemies?
I know that ultimately our Jewish brethren will look up and at long last recognize Yeshua - the Pierced One - and mourn for Him as for their only Son. I also know Judaism teaches everybody must become a Noahide under Mashiach (Messiah) who isn't Jewish, either by conviction or coercion. Do I fear such beliefs or lose sleep over them? No. I'm not irrational or paranoid but exercise the sound mind the Scriptures afford.
My staunchly pro-Israel, Christian Zionist beliefs, aren't the threat to Israeli sovereignty or Jerusalem's future that Jews should be concerned about. The "friends" Israelis would do well to beware are folks like Bill Clinton, George Bush and all those European leaders who are pushing them to accept a "peace" that has no basis in reality, as well as embracing "peace partners" like Mahmoud Abbas who will stab them in the back.
I see, in your articles and blogs, you've also rubbished our Labour President Shimon Peres.
You mean that bloody vulture Yitzhak Rabin referred to as an "indefatigable subversive"? Has Yitzhak Rabin "rubbished" Shimon Peres or merely exposed the dirt about him? I don't doubt that unclean bird has done some good for Israel, despite himself, but that doesn't justify Shimon Peres selling out Israel or betraying Jerusalem.
And when it came time to make peace,Shimon Peres wasn't found wanting. He agreed, as did Begin to hand back the Sinai to Egypt. Then on to Camp David and Wye River - but we didn't have a real partner in Yasser Arafat - and worse was to come with Hamas. It still was worth the try. Trying to save lives. This is not a weakness of yiddishkeit - but a real strength - this striving for peace.
Israel never had a peace partner. It is not only irresponsible, but criminal and insane, to dismember the Land or sacrifice life on the self-righteous altar of "striving for peace" rather than enforce peace through strength as Meir Kahane called for, remembering the Law of Moses with its God-given solutions (Malachi 4:4, Daniel 9:11).
In spite of all the terrorism that is waged against the Jewish people. Though when it comes to defence, there is unity amongst us in a strong IDF with first strike capacity.
Israel, like the United States and British Commonwealth, has the power but lacks the will or proper leaders to use it, as well as suffering from a devastating loss of national meaning and purpose and drive, as prophesied: "And I will break the pride of your power" (Leviticus 26:19) and "The whole head is sick, And the whole heart faints" (Isaiah 1:5). Your treacherous leaders insured defeat in Lebanon with their restraint and retreat, so what are you blathering about? Gaza continues to be a bleeding wound and Sderot suffers and Jerusalem is about to be brutally raped.
I'm a left winger who has fought with the South African Defence Force in Angola, with the ANC in Zimbabwe and South Africa and with the IDF in Judea and Sumaria - and I am prepared to let the latter go if we can secure peace - or we are wasting too many lives in a territory that can't be properly militarily defended.
It's good you fought with the South African Defence Force in Angola, but why then turn around and terribly serve as a tool for the ANC terrorists in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe ruins) and dying South Africa? Having served in Judea and Samaria, you should know Kahane was right: Israel must expel sworn Arab enemies and annex those biblical lands they presently occupy. It's defeatist to bleat otherwise.
"It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc."
- They Must Go!
The strength of the State of Israel is that it is a democratic secular Jewish State
Israel is an evil oligarchy, as Forbes magazine and others have exposed. The treacherous Israeli oligarchy has a weakness for German-Jesuit dictates and doesn't care if it sacrifices individuals (Yitzhak Rabin) or the whole nation to please their masters (who will dump them).
We go out into the world as men and keep our Jewishness in our hearts and our thrice daily prayers.
The Temple Mount isn't in Jewish hands because it's not in Jewish hearts. Actions speak louder than words, and those who merely pray and fail to act upon their faith are hypocrites whose prayers are rejected. Jews must demand their religious rights upon the Temple Mount and put prayers into practice. And since when does a "left winger" (as you profess to be) pray three times daily?
Any divisions in the Jewish people are largely artificial - the result of crazy fanatics like the fundamentalist bastard who thought that G-d gave him the right to kill a wonderful mensch and patriot like General Yitzak Rabin
THE BIG LIE. Although the stooge Yigal Amir was goaded by Avishai Raviv, a documented Israeli government agent provocateur, those who have studied the Kempler video of the staged assassination know he fired, as Israeli security shouted for the world to hear, blanks! And it's also documented Yigal Amir didn't have a single speck of gunpowder residue on his hands, etc. Read Barry Chamish's indicting book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? for greater details, or any of the four or more books on the subject by others who come to the same conclusion: Shimon Peres came to power over Rabin's dead body.
- as your Jesus, David, probably told you to kill the Arabs on the Temple Mount.
Yeshua loves the Arabs enough He will welcome them in the House of Prayer for All Peoples when He reigns as King of the Jews, the King of Israel.
A month before Shabak murdered Rabin (on purpose or by woeful neglect), I attempted to pray upon the Temple Mount - not slay - and read my Bible in peace and was disturbed by the barking of Muslim dogs. Israel loudly professes to guarantee "freedom of access" to places of worship, yet Israeli authorities look the other way as Muslims trample the religious rights of Christians and Jews upon the Temple Mount daily.
Why do you aid and abet Muslim discrimination against Christians and Jews? Why do you despise the holy land of Israel that you would surrender it to sworn enemies without a fight? Why do you hate those who love Israel? Regardless, the mosques will soon be history, the Third Temple will be built, and King Messiah will liberate Jerusalem from Gentile occupation.
The Left's War Against Israel
The Cain Syndrome - the Leftist War Against the Israeli Right
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Re: Steven Plaut's hateful rant against David Ben-Ariel
David's place is in a lunatic asylum
He's worse than the worst antisemite.
Are you a Bolshevik or what? Do you always express such strange hostility against those with strong religious convictions? Why the unwarranted hatred?
I dare to share the plain truth of the Bible and history. What part of that drives you crazy? What light has disturbed your darkness? The truth about the Sabbath versus Sunday? Biblical festivals versus pagan holidays? My call for the Temple Mount to be restored as the Temple Mount? The British-Israelite proclamation that "I am Joseph your brother?" The warning about a German-Jesuit EU? For giving voice to Rabin's blood that still cries out for justice against that "indefatigable subversive" Shimon Peres?
You cheapen the word antisemite and shame yourself with your blood libel (character assassination). Go educate yourself, learn and turn: read Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall.
David Ben-Ariel
Friday, November 14, 2008
Mama Evans
Erma Evans, a widow in the Church of God, served as a perfect example of what the apostle Paul called for from our senior women (Titus 2:3).
She touched the lives of many and was affectionately called "Mama Evans" by the young fellows of the Worldwide Church of God in Toledo, Ohio: Church singles whom she graciously would have over for a home-cooked meal every month.
Mrs. Evans knew all about southern hospitality since she was originally from Mud Creek, Kentucky. She would offer the meal, after we prayed, and would often then fall asleep on her couch, practically purring like a kitty, content as we fellowshipped and played board games or cards.
The following is a letter from "Mama Evans" that she sent me when I was living in Israel (August 1989), getting ready to begin a work-study program at Kibbutz Sdot Yam near Caesarea. It reveals a little more of this precious woman God blessed us with:
Dear David:
Just a few lines to say hello and that I miss you very much and get a thrill of thankfulness and joy when I can speak of having a son in Israel.
This must be a dream come true. All my life I have dreamed of going to all the far off places. I think I was born a wanderlust child.
Any place even as a little girl that I read or heard about it just filled me with desire to get up and go. Even today I feel the same way.
My Dad must have been the same way because his books of which he had many were about places all over the world.
He would talk to me even when I was 5 yrs. old about the far corners of the earth even China, but I never got any farther than Toledo.
But in the world tomorrow I hope to be able to flit from place to place. When I looked at the picture I could picture Christ walking on the shores of Galilee.
I pray for His Coming to rescue the world. It can't be too soon for me.
Everyone who knows you misses you. You are a special kind of guy. A little rebellious with a head full of dreams mixed with knowledge. There can't be another like you. I have a feeling you are very special to God.
Take care honey and don't forget all that you know of God's Truth.
Bye for now.
Love you,
Mom Evans
This letter shows how loving Mama was... She was always gentle but firm if necessary, but you never doubted she always had your best interests at heart. She used to say "a little love goes a long way, " "they need love the most who deserve it the least" and "tears purify the soul."
I was pleased to write this poem for her one Sabbath day (on the spur of the moment, wanting to help let her know how much we loved and appreciated her), and gave it to her at our Church of God services before I left, getting a big hug and kiss in return:
Mama Evans
Her warmth and love is known both far & wide
Her wonderful smile illuminates lives
Her sweet laughter uplifts many hearts
Helping both young & old she knows is her part
Giving hugs & kisses, making many meals
Veritable love feasts from a woman sincere
GOD BLESS OUR ERMA we need her so dear
Keep her close to your Kingdom
Help her bring You near.
Mama Evans, 89, died October 29, 1998. We know she rests in peace and awaits the First Resurrection.
Meanwhile, Mama lives on and shines through the eyes of those who remember her and have tales to tell of her from the heart.